Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Research Project Assignment 1

Research Project Assignment 1

Q Please write here the names of each teammate on your team and the research topic you'll be working on in your team this semester. Please chose ONE team member to enter one submission per team for this assignment. Topics can be related to any area in communication, for example social media, health communication, risk and crisis communication, business communication, family communication, etc. For your topic, if you mention one of the above or another communication area, please describe what your topic would be more specifically. That is, what aspect of your chosen area do you want to study? In each team, we'll have 4 or 5 teammates. Requirements for the research topic: 1) relevant topics for communication research, that is, related to communication 2) doable in real life - example: sending a survey to the entire country is not something we could do.

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Research Project Assignment 1 I would team up with Mia Asenjo. I could see that she is equally interested in the social media communication. The topic would focus on the social media and how it is going to be the whole new communication platform. I need to understand the psychology behind the social media marketing business and how it could be the next major medium in the business.